Village Valley Automotive tunes in to Business Development Group Skills
James from Village Valley Automotive recently celebrated ten years in business in his successful workshop in Ashhurst. Excellent skills on the tools and diverse knowledge in both mechanics and business is what has kept James’ mechanical business growing and thriving over the years but that wasn’t going to result in James taking his eye off the road ahead.
James joined the Business Development Group to get experience working with a board, and found he fitted in really well. Committing to attending the BDG (Business Development Group) allowed James an escape from the demanding environment and busy schedule of the day to day running of his mechanical workshop.
Board members quickly identified his strengths and weaknesses; James is a real entrepreneur with a strong work ethic and lots of great ideas. He realised that he’d achieved some things really well such as implementing systems and processes, making plans and setting goals, whereas other areas of his management suffered from his tendency to be too kind-hearted.
Being held accountable by board (group) members meant that James couldn’t put off attending to problems that he’d identified, and this was all the encouragement he needed to push ahead and make some necessary changes to the way he ran his business.
Building relationships with other business people and offering helpful advice and insights from his own experiences helped James to feel valued and helped allay feelings of isolation shared by many business owners. Watching other board members grow and implement changes they have learned from the course has been really satisfying for James; even though everyone’s businesses are different he’s found the basics of running a business are the same.
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76 Fergusson Street, Feilding 4702, New Zealand
Helping passionate Business Owners achieve their goals doing what they love.