Business Development Groups

Business Development Group offers a private and collaborative structure to grow, share, and learn. Advanced Accounting uses structured course work to guide groups through various steps to develop and improve their business and ensure its sustainability. Spending time reflecting on their own and other’s business experiences, business owners commit to monthly workshops and deliver board reports to document their progress.

Advanced accounting team and clients sitting in a conference room discussing taxes and financesAdvanced Accounting business conference

Whether a business is old or new, small, medium or large—all will benefit from being involved in this dynamic and invigorating environment.  All resources are provided and excellent facilitation by Advanced Accounting ensures that every session achieves its goals. Business Development groups offer the structured time people need to spend away from their day-to-day tasks so they can work on their business.  This is a gamechanger.


06 323 5997

Advanced Accounting

76 Fergusson Street, Feilding 4702, New Zealand

Helping passionate Business Owners achieve their goals doing what they love.